rain on me
Tuesday, August 30, 2005 | 8:42 PM


whopee-do i topped my class in SPA!

Monday, August 29, 2005 | 9:40 PM

Day Out!

WARNING:my writing is extremely weird today because i'm having this splitting headache which has taken control over me.

yay i went out with Alex and Shin today!haha i bought a Happy Meal and now i'm playing with Bijou and her plastic 'falls'!

whopee today rocked.uh,mainly,cos i'm having a headache,and yethong told Mrs Quek about me.my God i feel so embarrassed.how am i going to attend chinese class tomorrow?

okay nevermind about that.yethong and i tried to design for the band-tee!ha ha ha we are such biased people.because the present tee has a treble clef and we are reading the bass clef we drew a super big bass clef on the design and no treble!we almost wanted to write 'eupho rocks!'

this is an empty post.somehow i just feel like writing,because i just have this feeling that i might not be online so often in the near future...

but this isn't a goodbye.

Saturday, August 27, 2005 | 5:30 PM

Cheers for Shinny!



Friday, August 26, 2005 | 6:02 PM

Royston Tan

Royston Tan came to my school today.you know,the super-popular film-maker?

he showed us 4 short films,and they blew my mind away.the films could really connect with the audience and they would understand,even though we might not have experiences like the characters did in the short films.i loved the third one,24 hours.the guy doing the voice-over was speaking Korean,and my heart melted.yeah whatever i sound so lame.

Royston Tan said that he might be coming to Cedar again with the Careless Whisperer!yayy i like to see interesting people like him!

okay,the moral of this post is....Royston Tan is sooo talented!*gushes*

Thursday, August 25, 2005 | 9:55 PM


had band today.probably the only thing worth mentioning today.

ha ha i'm being very proud and my ego was fed today!si wei said that she was very impressed by my playing!wowww i am so damned satisfied with my playing!but i want more!more more more more more more more!!!!!!!!!!!!

yes i'm being obnoxious here.and i like it.i want to drive all of you away from my blog and never visit it again.

i do mean it,to most people i know.

Wednesday, August 24, 2005 | 5:52 PM

What?! And now you All come out like I've exactly predicted?!

i don't mean to sound angry or anything,but what i wrote in the last post is all too true.

look,obviously i am at my weakest point now,when i can just cry at the drop of a hat,and now when i let it all out you All finally appear with encouraging words.when i had been feeling much worse but didn't let it all out,you never noticed.is everyone that blind to the surroundings, or is it just me?

but still i can't help facing the bare and ugly truth laid in front of me.it's just so true i actually can not believe myself.

all these words just come flooding in...especially when i don't need them. i want some time alone,to make myself all right once more,for i doubt i can ever do it with people by my side ever again... i've grown numb to every thing.all thanks to everyone.

i know i'm different.i do understand what most of you are thinking, and i know that you don't.i'm just... different.

i took a very long time to type this out.i had initially written alot,but it would truly sound too hurtful,so this entry is actually incomplete.

it's just so funny how things turn out this way.

Tuesday, August 23, 2005 | 8:27 PM

Can't Take It No More

it's all like a race, one too long.

There are always intervals where i can take a break.First confident that everyone'll be there,but each time i push myself to the destination,my eyes greet nothing but thin air.

I'm losing will to go on as every second ticks by.and now,at my very weakest point i've finally came to a halt,and everyone is there all of a sudden to congratulate me and try to make joy.

but I've been through too many of these times when false hopes only disappoint too terribly,and now it dawned on me that I don't need any of you no more.

Hurt by your nonchalence and lack of sympathy,I've turned into an individual who finds it hard to be normal already.I've learnt to comfort myself and go on no matter how my heart gets shattered.

That's it.The race is over,whether I've finished running it or not.I am out,I'm giving up... and there is nothing you can do about it.

Monday, August 22, 2005 | 4:32 PM


i've been listening to this song called Bad Day.really really nice!the lyrics just relate so well..

today was pretty okay.i'm slacking.haha i don't feel like studying for hisory and practicing my violin.

we had d&t today.quite fun actually, because i like to file my wood to make it smooth!however it still is very rough.everyone keeps talking about the teacher.what's so great?i don't think he's so funny or anything.that's all i'm saying.i'm not discriminating the teacher or anything,but everyone gets so excited over some of the things which are actually unimportant.

oh,and i'm not that type of coward who comes over to her blog to complain about everybody behind their back.once again,i am not pinpointing anybody.but indeed,there are definitely people like that.

i did my er... chinese oral presentation today.i was so horribly scared because i failed the one last semester.i had a 4/10 then.but you know what?all thanks to huijun's superb script we pulled it off rather well and my score doubled!kinda miraculous?not really,cos our teacher's generous with the makrs nowadays.we like scoring well and she doesn't like to mark us low,so we're both happy!yay!

okay nothing else happened today.kinda boring.but i told yicen that i'll grow up to be a beggar of some sort,being the middle child.see,the elder child and the youngest gets all the attention.the elder one gets everything new while the youngest gets everything he/she desires because the parent thinks that it is simply too pathetic to get things 'third-handed'.while the second child gets all hand-me-downs and is also neglected all the time due to all the attention on the other siblings.in-nourished in the terms of love and care,he/she rebels and does all sorts of stupid things to grab attention,but always to no avail.this way his/her life is ruined.so the middle child would end up again as a scum of society and stay in dark allies,living on leftover big macs and happy meals.

pathetic?i might end up a typical victim.please sympathise and give me loads of money.okay joking only.but i do mean it about the last paragraph.

Friday, August 19, 2005 | 8:36 PM

A Week Too Long

okay i am feeling in the mood to blog.so i shall, about the past few days.i'll go through them one by one.

i got all tensed up because i was experiencing the first day of this crazy week gone all wrong.we had P.E. well we didn't run, and i think that ACES DAY actually rocks,because at least i'm not subject to torture during a whatyoucallnormal P.E. lesson unlike the other lucky,lucky classes.well something happened which made me grimly satisfied,but now i couldn't really care less.i thought that day wasn't going to be so bad after all but when i came home after spending 3 hours in school for ipw, my mother told me that my violin teacher just called.because my exam will be on september the 5th,i will be having violin lessons twice a week on tuesdays and wednesdays.i was feeling rather insulted,because i was taking the same exam as this stupid primary 5 kid and he could only make it on those days.did they even give a bloody damn about me?!pur-lease why should i turn my timetable upside-down because of a stupid kid?!if he can't make it on Friday(my usual lesson day) then it is his shit,not mine.i had no choice, so i had to get an excuse letter to skip band on tuesdays for 3 consecutive weeks.then i practiced the violin non-stop for 3 hours.did i mention that i had 5^ different types of homework to complete by the next day?i slept at 12midnight.

well i skipped band, and spent loads of time practising my violin again because i totally hated my tone and wanted to get a Distinction.hell i was too tense.but i've improved immensely in my playing,everyone knows.then i decided to slack and do my homework one day later because it was to be handed up on thursday.also,i was rushing out my ipw presentation so i slept late at 10pm.

argh!this day sucked too,because of the math lesson.i didn't write my statements for my questions so i got scolded and had to do full corrections.my group actually didn't present our ipw when we were scheduled to present everything that day,but there was a time constraint and our powerpoint was disgustingly long.20 slides can you believe it?!i'm going to cut away all those stupid excess slides.we are now due to present ours on Term 4 Week 2.

we had 2 tests today.english descriptive composition and science practical.i screwed up my science practical.completely.because i totally forgot what a SPA is supposed to be like as my primary school apparently thought that SPAs weren't necessary and decided to do away with them last year.english descriptive composition was alright.i was desperate to do well so i think i got sorta carried away while writing.i got into a bad mood for about 2 hours after my SPA... until BAND!

YAY ms sia came!!she was so so so so so so so humourous!!ahaha there are just so so so so so so so so many funny things that she said that if i listed all of them down i'd have exceeded the word limit for this post(if there had been one).alright i like ms sia alot!yay i hope she comes to conduct everytime.don't like the rest of them.pity i've gotta miss the tuesday session.STUPID PRIMARY SCHOOL KID MARCUS!!!

yeah so i got pretty happy after that and decided to forget about all my homework until 10pm when i just remembered i've the history workbook to finish.the test was cancelled!postponed to tuesday because they teachers thought our brains weren't fully immersed about religion,philosophies and source-based question answer formats!so yeah that's about it!happy happy day!

nothing much happened today.rather uneventful indeed.i could have called it a peaceful schoolday... if not for the d&t lesson.i really hate pro-DESKTOP or whatever it's called.whats the point of it i do not see at all!!i don't think we're going to use them when we grow up to jobs like maybe a toilet cleaner eh?

i might sound biased against it,which is because i have already got marks deducted for not knowing my work well.heck it!i don't expect to pass.how i wish we could cook for the whole day.ha ha R&R!!i don't mind cooking uncooked carrots and onions and flat potato balls and letting my oil jump if i can sustain my A1 in that subject!funny thing how i ever got that since i still cannot cook a packet of instant noodles today.heh!i'm not saying i'll take f&n in future though.


i think my literature teacher is very happy nowadays.she always comes into the classroom smiling and laughing.what's up?our literature essay's gonna be easy for us?so she's happy that we'd supposedly score well?i hope so.

i have a diary-x blog and 2 diaryland blogs.maybe i shall switch.i'd like more privacy.diaryland provides users with a user and password promt upon visiting the blog.so it'd be so much harder to crack the codes.those javascript password promts can be cracked by many people,so i don't trust them.diary-x provides locked posts,so i can decide what to let you see and what not to.however,i dunnoe what's the password for the protected posts!argh is it my password for diary-x?

i've evaluated.so i'll be switching to diary-x when the need for privacy gets even stronger.i don't like the name blogspot too.sound so IT.bleargh.

i know this is a long post.the longest i've ever written.because this week is full of angst and fatigue.good-bye.

Thursday, August 18, 2005 | 8:28 PM

i am nobody's friend

i am very, very exhausted.tired.worn out.fatigued.

somehow,i don't want to type out things here.yeah i should go to my journal.

just maybe, i'll write a post on how it had all been this horrible,disastrous,draining week.

i don't really care that there is a d&t test tomorrow.i'm planning to fail.completely i don't understand the point of this what-you-call-subject shit.i don't give a bloody damn,gettit?

like charlotte, i am planning to shift my blog to diary-x.i want locked posts!i am desperate for the code.yeah whatever.


band was fun today!haha i like ms sia she is so funny.pity i have to miss the next practice because of my violin lesson with the other candidate.stupid marcus.how busy can a primary school kid get to ruin my schedule?!

yeah i know,i'm only taking grade4. that's what you get when you start learning your second musical instrument at age 9.

i want to go out tomorrow.not to catch a movie,but just to roam the streets as a happy person once more.

i don't care if it's momentary or not.happiness never lasts, so these fleeting moments might just turn out to be not of the mock.

i'm drowning myself in self-pity.

oh, whatever.

Saturday, August 13, 2005 | 12:59 PM


haven't updated for a few days.nothing much happened.sigh i can't go visit alex at j8.bleargh.

homework sucks.good-bye.

Thursday, August 11, 2005 | 8:57 PM

hmm.don't really want to talk about school today.i changed my blogskin!

yay i pretty like it now, because i actually think that it's cool.now where did that word come from?!eurgh i sound like a poser.fine, i shall stop complimenting about this design!seriously the only thing i like about this blogskin are the navigation words ONE TWO THREE FOUR.pretty cool huh, it can actually help you idiots with counting the brain cells in you.

FINE!i can't help feeling angry.brrrrrrrrrrrah i shall stop about stuff like this before everything gets spilled out to you, who are obviously not my confidant. actually,this skin had a very disgusting effect on the links which i absolutely abhore upon sight.so the clever me decided to change the yucky colour codes and i got it right first try.pretty satisfied with the modifications.also i took off all the ugly avatars which are so pointless.

nothing to say here now...
oh yah!i ordered the band jacket!omigosh i am so excited!

Wednesday, August 10, 2005 | 1:49 PM


oh no!school's starting tomorrow and i've only completed half of my homework!i've chinese,science and math left!

i'm thinking of changing my blogskin actually.i don't like swimming pools.

Monday, August 08, 2005 | 9:14 PM


today was extremely bad.argh!

the only good thing was that i watched Charlie and The Chocolate Factory!yes i do know that i am not the only person who has done so but i simply cannot stop gushing over this movie!too bad the seats suck.so i'm going to watch it again!

fact about me:i hate the number 8.

Sunday, August 07, 2005 | 3:28 PM

Yay I Am Bored

helloo everybody!i am very bored!so i shall blog!yes indeed the day is very hot!but i don't want to talk about that!i want to talk about so many of my grammatical errors while writing my posts each and every time i do so!

i always read through my posts after i publish them,but there is always a sentence where the words don't make sense.and they really don't, because they actually sound somewhat bimbotic.gasp!no way am i going to let things become ugly!so i shall go and read through all my previous posts to edit them before YOU get to find out, while listening to Marion Raven's End Of Me!

i do mean it; i am going to edit them.toodles!

Saturday, August 06, 2005 | 3:52 PM

A Sad Thing

i think August will turn out to be a sad month.July was too sad.The good must always comes with the bad.how pathetic life really is!

this month,i foresee a great load of tests.already i have had more than 2 tests this month!and there will be so much more tests to take... because its CA2.gee i almost forgot about it.. no wonder i'm still wondering why there are so many tests nowdays.

i'm thinking of learning html seriously, because i would like to have a blogskin belonging to me.i have only modified a blogskin greatly once, by changing all the colour codes and the background picture,though it turned out quite bad, without Photoshop to help me edit pictures.

anyone teaching me html for free?

Thursday, August 04, 2005 | 8:50 PM

I'm Sick!

yes i am officially ill.with flu!thank goodness it isn't a cough.i hate sore throats so!

okay i've got nothing much to say here and also i'm trying to do everything by 9.30pm so i sleep early!

i love today,cos it rained!

good-night everybody!

Wednesday, August 03, 2005 | 4:14 PM

Project Superstar

so i'm back again.at least i know i've got one loyal reader.*beams at shin*

i was studying so hard yesterday tuesday became a complete bore.why study?'cos there's two tests today!yeah science and chinese.just great.

science was okay.i'm not confident of getting pretty marks,because mere passes don't make me happy now... with the exception of math!chinese was difficult... as usual!surprisingly i was super fast and finished 10 minutes before we were supposed to pass it up.i'm afraid i skimmed through
received history marks yesterday.I MUST BE REALLY STUPID.16/20 i could foam at the mouth.damnit.

candyce came to my school again... this time to have a speech instead of signing photos of herself.ha ha she could actually speak english quite well!anyway i'm still sad over Weicong's getting kicked out.SIGH.he's still better than Derrick though!

i know this post is boring.mwahaha

happy belated birthday jessica(luk)!=D

Monday, August 01, 2005 | 8:30 PM


know what?i think something is going wrong with me, seriously.

i failed my NAPFA standingbroadjump but i don't really give a damn.maybe its because i know i've improved immensely in this area of sports all matters is the big difference eh.or maybe because i did 33 sit-ups!yesss my best-est achievement ever!

i failed my math test.9/20.i could've passed if i weren't such a blind dingbat and take PI as 22/7 unlike the 3.14 which is not the regular PI given in all tests, which also i always use and screw up my exercises.ohwells i'm not shedding any tears over failing it,for i know i'm not born to change the world mathematically.

see? i don't actually care even if i fail or not.arg what is happening to me?!.

haven't properly blogged in awhile, because i've not much time to pour it out, and also i'm not letting the whole world know how i feel 'cos i've got a diary.yes, one so private you don't even know what it looks like(duh).

okay i'm going away to shelve more secrets in my diary!
